Chris Oakley
ENTRANCE THEME:Main Title theme from Jaws
SIGNATURE MOVES:The Splendid Splinter (a missile drop-kick off the top rope)
The Big Dig (a reverse DDT)
The Logan Express (a flying tackle off the second rope)
The Cape Cod Crunch (an Irish Whip/power bomb combination)
The Green Monster(a variation on John Cena's F-U)
OUTFITS:Vary from match to match but usually include a cap,jersey,or T-shirt from a New England pro or college sports team.Has been known to sport Reeboks for some matches.
AFFILIATIONS:Charter member of the Bastardo family
PERSONALITY:Always looking for a fight.Has a chip on his shoulder you could park 747s on.
TITLES HELD:IC Championship,Hardcore Belt
Last edited by Chris Oakley; 2004-12-15 8:56 PM.