Darth is part Undertaker, part Kane and part Sting. He's fast, he's huge, and he's mean.

Entrance Music: The Imperial March

Wrestling Gear: All black Jedi-like garb, black hooded cloak


    Sith-spawn: Reverse DDT (deathdrop)

    Sabre-stretch: Argentine Back Breaker Rack (torture rack)

    Darkside-slam: Back Breaker Rack Powerbomb (F-5, victim lands face first onto mat)

    Sabre-slam: Chokeslam


    Grimm - Together they are the Dark Lords

    Chesty Lerou - Although they don't publicly discuss their relationship, Chesty likes a man with power, and in her eyes, there are none more powerful than Darth.

    Combo Move: Straight to Hell (spike piledriver)- Darth sets up a piledriver for Grimm to spike off the second rope

Last edited by Darth; 2005-07-15 12:59 PM.