This is Highwayman's new profile. See Howler's re: further details.
The Highwayman
Entrance Music: 'Stand and Deliver' by Adam Ant
Signature Moves:
Stand and Deliver (Walls of Jericho)
The Hi-Jack (Spinning Wheel Kick off the top rope)
Highway Robbery (Rear Naked Choke Drop)
Big Business (Fall Away Slam)
Costume: Black suit trousers, white shirt and black tie with a black velvet drape jacket.
Personality: Highwayman is definitely one of the less pleasant wrestlers on the RDCW's roster. A notorious cad, he thinks nothing of breaking legs, arms and even necks in his quest to take The Comapny to the very top.
Last edited by Howlerama; 2005-02-20 1:53 PM.