Name: Bill "Slick Willie" Williams

Manager of The Company

Entrance music: La Grange by ZZ Top

Slick Willie is an oil tycoon looking to have some fun in the wrestling business. He wears a white suit, white cowboy hat and boots, and a black collarless shirt. He is always seen with a girl in each arm, but they vary from week to week and month to month.

Lately, Slick has been regularly accompanied by Annie and Sindy, two of the finest women ever seen in the RDCW.

An alliance with Louie Bastardo has led to the formation of the Family Business, the most powerful faction in the RDCW. Slick leaves most of the day to day decisions to Louie, prefering to remain a silent partner in the arrangement. However, every now and then, Slick does like to make a little noise.