Name: 'The One and Only' James Fantastic

Entrance Music: "Paper Plane" by Status Quo

Signature Moves: The One and Only (Corkscrew Shooting Star Press)
Super-Cool (Top Rope Bulldog with the foe standing on the mat)
The Fabacanrana (Dragonrana)
The Grip (Damascus head-leglock)

Personality Type: Since being kicked out of the Bastardo Family, Fantastic has undergone a change of heart, becoming a good guy. Now he fights injustice as 'The One and Only' James Fantastic!

Costume: White trouser and shirt under a union jack dustercoat. Fantastic also wears shades and (over time, as he scores major victories) a row of medals.

Last edited by James_Fantastic; 2005-04-16 6:37 AM.