Please read No Way Out of the Closet before reading this.
Johnny Evil
History/Personality: Formerly known as Notwedge, he's gone even crazier. He's become tired of risking himself, entertaining people with goofy antics and not getting any respect. He's still a bit on the goofy side, but he's a little scary too.
Group affiliation: Bastardo Family
Catch phrase: The Merrie-Go-Round has broken down.
Entrance theme: "Lying from You" by Linkin Park
Appearance: Not the biggest guy, but bigger than a true lightweight. He typically wears cargo shorts and a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. Most of his T-shirts have a picture of a comic book, cartoon or sci-fi villain on them. He adds in the typical boots, kneepads, elbow pads and fingerless gloves for matches.
Fighting style: Typical wrestling moves with some Tae Kwon Do thrown in. He also uses some daredevil tactics, he isn't totally graceful but he can take a lot of damage. He's willing to hurt himself if he hurts the other guy more.
Signature moves:
(to go along with the "Merrie-Go-Round broken down" theme, Johnny Evil's signature moves all have names that used to belong to attractions at Walt Disney World but the attractions have have been replaced or renamed)
Surprise in the Sky: Formerly called Death Chop 2000, a karate chop off the top rope.
Mission to Mars: Formerly the Evilsault, an Asai Moonsault with a silly name.
The WEDway PeopleMover: Formerly called the Reverse Monkey Death Drop, a spinning Kryptonite Krunch.
The Skyway to Tomorrowland: Formerly the Cobra Roll, a half twisting moonsault leg drop.
The Making of Flubber: Previosly unamed move, he slams a chair into someone's face with a spinning hook kick.
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride: Formerly Cradle to Grave, a cradle neckbreaker that starts out like a fisherman's suplex.
Countdown to Extinction (CTX): A bridging Indian death lock/face lock combination.