Terri Savitz, formerly known as Rosalita

Personality: Terri is cheerful and playful, given to playing to the crowd. A surprisingly talented wrestler, Rosalita is still seen most often in RDJL related matches.

Music: Rod Stewart's 'Do Ya' Think I'm Sexy'


Power Moves: Rosalita makes frequent use of suplexes and hurracanrana's against femal foes, but for the most part she prefers to hit her opponent with a strong repertoire of kicks.

Technical Moves:
Rosalita's mat skills are generally pretty poor. She doesn't use holds at all, preferring to climb the turnbuckle to hit her foes with an aerial move.

Aerial Moves:
Springboard Seated Senton
Bridal Drop: Split Legged Splash
The Beast From The East: Terri leaps off the top rope as if performing a Splash, but rotates in mid air so the move turns into a Moonsault.
Missile Dropkick
The Dive: 450 Splash
Flying Double Smash: Terri leaps from the top rope and hits one foe with a Seated Senton whilst clotheslining the other to the mat. This can be performed as a double team, with the subject of the clothesline being raised in an Electric Chair position.

Finisher Moves: The Mystic East (Tiger Feint Kick)
The Wonderbomb (630 Splash)

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