Name:Rob Blackandblue
Occupation:The greatest motherfucking wrestling promoter in the whole goddamn world,punks!
Hometown:Los Angeles,California
Personality:Ten times cooler than any of you morons will ever be
Appearance:Nothing but style all the way.Only the best three-piece suits,the most expensive leather shoes,and the slickest shades are good enough for the R-man.
Entrance Music:"The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson
Background:For six glorious years I've been running X-Citing Power Wrestling(NOT X-cruciatingly Poor Wrestling,no matter what some people might say) out of my luxurious Hollywood office complex.Anybody who's ever seen an XPW show knows I'm a better promoter than Bischoff,Long,Heyman,and Kamphausen put together...which brings me to the reason I've come to RDCW.I'm here to liberate some of your top stars from this wasteland that Kamphausen has the nerve to call a wrestling organization and bring them out to sunny California where their talents can be truly appreciated.Chris Oakley is just the first name on my shopping list of RDCW stars who I plan to sign to my promotion(and he WILL join XPW,trust me)--I've got my eye on at least 15-20 other competitors,and it might interest you to know that the list of people I'm pursuing includes certain members of the Bastardo Family.
Affiliations:Founder,CEO,chief talent booker,and blow-by-blow commentator for XPW.
Catchphrase:"Follow the money,baby!"