NAME:Obscene a.k.a. Pester
Occupation:XPW King of the Crapmatch Champion
Weight:393 lbs.
Titles Held:XPW World Tag Team Titles(1st time with Squid Mayhem,2nd time with Explosive G),XPW King of the Crapmatch Championship(2x)
Personality:I don't back down from anybody,asshole!Someone gets in my way,I break their face,their legs,and any other bones I can get hold of!
Entrance Music:"Highway To Hell" by AC/DC
Background:From the second Rob Blackandblue started XPW,I've always been willing to try any new gimmick match no matter how crappy it sounds...that's why I'm the King of the Crapmatch!I'm more hardcore than the whole RDCW roster put together,and I'll prove it every chance I get!
Catchphrase:"Let's get obscene!"

Let's get obscene!!!