Chris Oakley
ENTRANCE THEME:Alice in Chains' "Rooster"
SIGNATURE MOVES:The Kill 'Em All(a missile dropkick off the top rope)
The Full Metal Jacket(a reverse DDT)
The WMD(a flying tackle off the second rope)
The Lock and Load(an Irish Whip/power bomb combination)
The Red Alert(a variation on John Cena's F-U)
Snuff the Rooster(a sleeper hold)
OUTFITS:Favors military-style garb for his in-ring attire,most notably a "KILL 'EM ALL/LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!" T-shirt from the pages of Soldier of Fortune magazine.
AFFILIATIONS:Charter member of the Bond Brigade
PERSONALITY:Always looking for a fight.Has a chip on his shoulder you could park 747s on.
TITLES HELD:RDCW IC Championship,RDCW Hardcore Title,XPW World Heavyweight Championship
UPCOMING MATCHES:Will face Sandalman in a Guantanamo cell match at One Night Stand
Last edited by Chris Oakley; 2005-06-18 5:12 PM.