The Tuesday Night Rockers

Formerly known as The SD Rockers, The Tuesday Night Rockers are the quintessential high risk group. Combining the raw power of Two Ton Tommy, the technical power of Tommy Savitz and the aerial high-risk maneuvres of James Fantastic. Also affiliated to the group are Tommy's wife Terri and Nuriko, who may or may not be Two-Ton Tommy's girlfriend (James teases the pair about this constantly)

Entrance Music: 'Jump' by Van Halen

Finisher Moves: Tuesday Night Spectacular(Hart Attack-Two Ton Tommy performs the bear hug, whilst Tommy Savitz hits the clothesline)
The Rock n' Roll Endzone (Doomsday Rana- Two-Ton Tommy holds the opponent on his shoulders, Fantastic hits the diving hurracanrana)
Death by Rocker (Leapfrog Body Guillotine, Savitz holds the opponent in place and Fantastic hits the move)

Last edited by James_Fantastic; 2005-09-27 4:48 PM.