grifter 1.0 - as he is now:
As a youth, Cole Cash was recruited into a special team of black ops soldiers exposed to a chemical called the Gen Factor. The Gen Factor gave the soldiers of Team Seven incredible telekinetic and telepathic powers, indefinitely expanding their abilities.
Rejecting the Gen Factor, Cole left Team Seven and wandered the earth as a lone assassin, until meeting his love, Zealot. From Zealot, Cole learned and studied in the ways of the Coda, the only man to ever receive such training.
Armed with a gun, Cole, adapting the codename: The Grifter, is unbeatable. His flair for battle is unmatched, his never-ending youth unparalled, and his latent psi-abilities still mostly untapped.
your task: reinvent the character.
redetail the character in every aspect you desire; origins, powers, continuity, villains, costume (include sketches if you'd like). change and improve anything and everything from the original design, but with full knowledge that you'd still like to appeal to the original audience (i.e; be careful not to change too much)
upgrade, update, enhance, depower, redesign... rebirth the character as your own, version 2.0!