
Remember when DJ Danger Mouse (or was it Mighty Mouse? Either way...) mixed The Beatles' White Album and Jay-Z's Black Album and somehow made something that didn't suck, eliciting legal action?

Well, he's not at it again! Someone else is, though. Someone had the great idea of mixing Jay-Z's Black Album with Weezer's Blue album in a move that originally started as a gag, but people actually liked. Thus "Jay-Zeezer" was born.

The result is actually pretty good. I'm a huge fan of Weezer, so this is a special treat for me. Most of the tracks consist of a loop taken from a song on the Blue Album (or the Blue Album B-Sides) with Jay-Z's rapping over it, with vocals from said Weezer song chiming in at various points in a song. This is generally my favorite part of a rap song, like when Dido pops up in that one Eminem song. This is best displayed in the bonus track "99 Luft Problems," which mixes Jay-Z's "99 Problems" with Nena's "99 Luftballoons."

The songs aren't perfect, though. In a few of the songs Jay-Z's rapping just doesn't mesh well with the music loops, and a lot of times the rappers will chime in repeatedly during Weezer's vocal bits (like rappers like to do during a chorus, and they'd be in parenthesis when you read the lyrics) and it just sounds like someone crudely pasted a sound-byte in the middle of a song, which is exactly what the DJ(?) did. When the mixes do work, they're very catchy.

Reccomended tracks:
Surf Wax Off Your Shoulder
Encore for Wayne
99 Problems with Buddy Holly
Justify Mykel and Carli
Yeah in the Sun (bonus track)
Bonnie, Clyde and El Scorcho (bonus track)
99 Luft Problems (bonus track)