"Maybe I can get a job," said Brianna to Grissom. They were in Grissom's living room. Piled on the floor were copies of brochures to various apartments and houses. "Did we look at this one yet? 'One bedroom, one-and-a-half bath...'"
"Let me see, Bree." Grissom 'ported the paper from Brianna. "I thought these wer' the folks that saw yer wings and said 'no pets allowed'?"
Brianna made a grab for the paper in an attempt to tear it up. "Come on, give it back." The two began wrestling on the floor. "Griss, come on, give --"
The phone rang, so Grissom 'ported the cordless into his hand. He looked at the caller ID. "Wot is it, Phil?"
"I've been trying to call Brianna, but she's not registered at any of the Puerta Mibela hotels. You know where she is?"
"Er...yeah, Phil, she's right here?"
"Can you put her on?"
Grissom handed the phone to Brianna. "What is it?"
"Sam gave me information about a nearby island he bought for us."
Brianna readjusted the phone as she pulled out some more lease papers. Rejected, rejected, rejected. "I thought we were going to avoid having another headquarters. Too much of a target."
"Think of it more as an office. No living space. And we all have easy access to it from La Perdita. Anyways, you're the first to hear about it. There's a chance we may find another idea. I was just wondering if you could do a fly-by for me. Just to get an idea of the area. Unless you're too busy looking for a pad."
Brianna laughed. "No, I have enough time today. Beside, the weather today's great for thermal-hopping. Just give me a general direction and I'll be off."
Phil told her to go north-northwest. "Thanks for the help, Bree. Mind putting Griss back on." She handed the phone to Grissom, grabbed her bag, and took off from the patio door. "So...she wasn't staying in a hotel..."