The metallic rant of the robot was cut short by the piercing buzz of sirens and by the intermittently dimming of the lights in the hallway.
"Shit. They found us!" exclaimed Euro, as two groups of soldiers swarmed in from both the "ends" of the endless corridor.
As they approached running, it became evident they were robots, humanoid in shape, with a rust appearance and very complex floral decoration on the outer shell.
A female voice, warm yet impersonal, began to repeat: "Alarm. Intruders in bay 7-b. Alarm. All honourable personnel is kindly required to retire in the emergency sectors."
The Vanguardians looked at each other, and at the Robo Squirrel, unable to convince themselves of the authenticity of the odd situation.
The, like awakening from a dream, Brianna got airborne, and aiming her crossbow at the incoming robots, shouted. "Vanguard, move your ass!"