Euro looked at his mace. Since the time he "found" it, he never tried to do what he remembered, from the memories of a past incarnation of the Eternal Champion, it was able to do.

He weighed the mace in his hand, while around him the Vanguardians and the Robo Squirrel were fighting the robot in a complex choreography. Then, he heavily hammered it in the ground, and...

...nothing happened. Euro looked at his weapon embarrassed.

Rama Avatar, weaving Caliburn at the robot, went near Ed. "Don't be sad, friend. The mace of Lei Gong can't call the lighting where there is no atmosphere!"

Euro felt stupid like never before. "Oh, right. Sorry." He hit a robot again with the mace, effectively putting it out of commission, and then put the handle of the mace inside the belt, and opened the backpack, taking out a long scabbard.

Ed took the hilt at one end of the scabbard, and took out a long, gleaming sword.

Caliburn sang, at the sight of her sister sword.

"Durendal?" frowned Rama. "Euro, you have Durendal?"

The Italian warrior smiled. And raising the sword, he began to heavily hit the robots, side by side with Rama Avatar.

Grissom leaned over a fallen robot. A wrench appeared on his right hand out of nowhere (really from his backpack) and with it began to open the back of the head of the mechanical humanoid. "Phil, came here to help me" he said.

While Robo Squirrel, Brianna, Euro and Rama were battling the robots, the two computer wizards were hacking into the positronic brain of the robot. At some point they raised their eyes from the metallic carcass. Suddenly, all the robots froze. The two friends high fived.

Brianna and the Squirrel landed. "Well?" asked Euro, opening his arms.

Griss stood over. "Well, they weren't fighting blindly at us, mate. They were co-ordinated, yet no one was shouting orders, nor they were talking. So, I guessed they were communicating with radio-waves. I opened up their brain, hacked their circuitry, and used their radio to command the others to stop. Thanks to the help of Phil, obviously.

Euro looked at one end of the hallway, and then at the other. "Which way?" he asked, to no one in particular.

"That way" said Phil, pointing at one side, "I feel human minds".

Euor looked at all the presents. "That way, then."