"Do you think we should do it?" Brianna asked.

"To be honest with you... I don't know," Grissom answered, and extended a comforting hand to her shoulder.

Brianna smiled. "You very rarely don't know when it comes to these situations..."

"Wrong. I never bloody know what I'm doing. I just rarely admit it," Grissom answered, and Brianna laughed, the way that really only Grissom could make her.

The two were standing in the corner of the room in which the members of Vanguard now resided. Quantos had provided them with a lounge, of sorts, in which the team could talk over the mission they'd been presented with. And, hopefully, come to a decision as to whether they'd take it.

Brianna and Grissom were in the corner. Ed, Phil, Rama Avatar, and Bruteforce sat scattered across a long couch. And in the middle of the room, Robo Squirrel hovered at torso height. The four men behind him were discussing the mission in all its detail, but it was the two in the corner that held the squirrel's attention. One of his eyes was protruding from his head, and was bent at a ninety degree angle. Robo Squirrel was facing away from Brianna and Grissom, at a blank wall. But his eye was trained on them.

"Is this even our business? Should we be getting involved?" Brianna asked.

Grissom just shrugged.

"I thought there were very clear rules about time travel. Don't mess about with stuff that isn't your business. Nothing but trouble will come of it..." Brianna said, somewhat nervously.

"That may only count with messing about in the past, love," Grissom replied.

"Danny managed to do it," Brianna answered, and a mournful look suddenly crossed her face.

She looked down, and there was a moment of silence between the two. Grissom placed his hand in hers.

"We all miss him, Bree," Grissom said.

"I'll go if you go," Brianna suddenly said, looking back up into Grissom's eyes.

"I know you will."

A voice from behind Robo Squirrel suddenly grabbed the robot's attention.

"That's not very suttle, you know."

Robo Squirrel spun around seven times with a whirring noise, coming to a stop facing the source of the voice. Phil had appeared behind him.

"That eye thing. If you're going to eavesdrop on someone's conversation, do it discreetly," Phil said.

"Robo Squirrel was scanning the perimeter!" Robo Squirrel asserted, in his high pitched robo-voice. He slowly robo-retracted his robo-extended eye.

"We're in a lounge room! Scanning for what? Mice?"

"...space mice."

"Yeah, well, those two deserve some privacy."

"Robo Squirrel does not understand," He said, slowly rotating in the air to face back towards Grissom and Bree.

"Understand what?"

"What is this thing humans call... love?"