"You've gotta be kidding me. . ." Brute Force's eyes widened as the Vanguards took in the massive girth of the Robo Squirrel Model XXV.
"EEEEEPPPP!!!!" The diminutive robot squeaked as it flew behind Banshee and Grissom.
"Robo Squirrel does not understand the answer!" it exclaimed, peaking out from behind one of Bri's wings.
"Ach, get this bleedin' robot offa me!" She said, moving from in front of him to beside Grissom.
"Robo Squirrel wants to know what love is!" The tiny robot continued on, it's propeller tail keeping it aloft.
"I really don't think this is the time. . .Phil Smith answered as he examined the weapons systems of the enormous XXV model.
"Robo Squirrel wants you to show him!" It continued, attempting to alight on Rama Avatar's shoulder. The east indian stepped aside smoothly and effortlessly, as the Squirrel plopped down on the back of the couch in front of him.
BF rubbed his chin his fingers. "Hmm." He looked at Quantos and raised his right eyebrow. Quantos gulped expectantly. Here it comes. . . he thought to himself.
"You mean to tell me," BF began, walking over to the scientist, "that this goldurn flying metal rat has a legacy," he continued on, wrapping an arm around Quantos and pulling him aside, "and I . . .don't?" He looked directly in Quantos' face as the last word came out of his mouth, as the scientist attempted to move out of his grasp.
"Ah, well, you see, it's. . .perhaps it's better if I just show you. . ." Quantos turned a dial on the wall, as two section slid open and huge holo projector emerged, sending an image to the far wall as clear as day.
BF's jaw dropped as an image of himself in full costume appeared with a stylised logo followed by a deep, bass voice: "BRUTE FORCE IN. . .LAST BLOODSTAIN PART TWELVE!!!!! THIS TIME IT'S REALLY, REALLY, PERSONAL!!!! WE MEAN IT!!! HONEST!!!"
BF's jaw dropped as he became mesmerized by the images flashing in front of him. The doors opened again and he was mobbed by several female fans wearing BF shirts and waving around photos and clamoring for his attention.
Grissom Montag smiled and began to make a comment when he looked over and saw Bri's stern expression. ". . .buncha hooers. . ." she said under her breath.
"Wot, luv?" he asked, chuckling a bit. "Find it funny, do ye?" She looked at him, arms crossed.
"Please, we really don't have time for all of this. . .the mission. . ." Quantos pleaded with the group, attempting to get things back on track.