Caliburn flashed, reflecting one of the many lightings striking at once, and one of the multiple legs of the T5 robot fell, making the robot loosing its balance. Rama Avator didn't waste time, and jumped over the back of the robot.

While a new leg was grown again, the East Indian warrior raised the legendary sword, ready to hit the metallic monster.

A circular wall of fire enclosed the jeans wearing bearded man. Aurochs, much to his nature, took the chance to pronounce a spell of invisibility, clouding himself from the sight of the Vanguardians.

Edulcore, having temporary sent the Leviathan to lay on the ground, dived to ward the still senseless form of Phil. "Phil! Smith! Wake up! We need you!" he shouted, slapping the face of the Unidentified.

The young secret agent opened his eyes, looking at Euro who was knelling over him.

The black dressed man frowned, and touched his temples. "What an headache..." he whispered, and suddenly raised his gun holding right hand, shooting madly from above Euro's shoulder.

Euro turned, to see the X-Acute doing a triple somersault to avoid Phil's bullet, landing in a patch of dense vegetation just yards away. Euro stood up, mace in hand, ready to run there.

"No! He's mine!" yelled Phil. "Look there. Bri needs your help, Ed!"

The ample, mechanical bat like wings of Ed flapped, as he catapulted himself toward the Vanguardette. She was in the hands of Jia, gripped around Btrianna's neck. From the opposite side of Euro, the scaled skinned Leviathan was converging toward the female Vanguardian.

Passing by, Ed threw his Durendal sword precisely, and the hilt of the sword landed perfectly into Brianna's hand. "Help yourself, Bri!" shouted the Italian, ending head down over the ample thorax of the reptilian monster.

The Leviathan was minimally shaken by the hit. Flapping the Da Vinci's bat wings, Euro stood at mid air in front of Knell's clone. The beast fiercely waved his claws toward the Thunderbird, to no avail. The winged warrior was too mobile for the behemoth, so the meta-beast roared frustrated.

Euro smiled, and hammered his mace.