"Stand back, team!" Phil yelled, full of confidence and gusto. He ran a few steps forward, stepped on Ed's back and leaped into the air, jumping higher than any man could or that logic dictates would be necessary.
At the peak of his jump, he did seventeen flips. His coat looked awesome. Then he whipped a pistol out from his belt and levelled it at Leviathan, firing a round at the scaled behemoth. With his other hand and an entirely separate pistol, he fired a round behind him, at the T5 robot.
The bullets missed T5 completely. Leviathan continued grappling with Thunderbird, barely noticing the bullet that had bounced off his thick hide.
Phil struck the ground running, then span around a few times and...um... did something else. He fired a few rounds at the blur that was the blue Scorpion brother, confident that they would find their mark.
They passed right by him. One of them hit Robo Squirrel.
"Ow! Shit!" The squirrel said, regardless of the fact that he couldn't feel pain.
Phil grinned at what he thought was a direct hit, then ran right by several of his teammates who were, apparently, just standing around waiting for him to do this shit.
He springboarded from Jia's back, saying several nasty words to her as he did so. He hoped he could attack her emotionally by calling her a trollop. It didn't really bother her, but he couldn't tell that.
He travelled through the air and span as he did so, pointing his guns out behind him at the Red Scorpion. As he fired them, a hand grabbed his leg and pulled him to the ground.
"Ah... X-Acute. It's down to you and me," Phil said, facing his attacker.
X-Acute punched him in the face. Phil fell down.
"Ow! Crap!" Phil yelled.