Brianna held on tightly to the sword in her hand. She swung it towards Jia's face, but the spider's arms were blocking Brianna's right limb, so all she could do is swing the blade meekly.

Jia found this all amusing. "Really, sparrow, running out of tricks?"

"If -- ack -- if you kill me -- ack -- how will you find your other prey?"

"Yes," said Jia. "I was wondering about that. But look! I can see all the members of Vanguard. There's young Smith with X-acute, looking rather down. Leviathen is entertaining Ciccioto -- oh, it's Tuesday, so what name does he go by now? Mr. Montag seems quite preoccupied -- don't worry, I'll make a meal out of him one day too. I'm sure that metallic rodent will be hard to tackle, but I'll see him in my netting soon enough." Jia grinned. "So that leaves the other gentlemen...and I recognize his sword." Jia looked into Brianna's jaded eyes. "And judging by the fear in your face, I found out right..."

Brianna's trick worked. Jia had not noticed Brianna switch the sword to her other hand. Now she had more room to attack. The sword swung sideways, slicing into the corset and smacking a rib. Jia screeched as some blood began oozing from the wound.

"Vile whelp!" she shouted, dropping Brianna into the mud. "I can't believe you caught me monolouging!"

Brianna only needed a moment. She darted forward, keeping low to the ground. The webbing was still attached to her ankle, while Jia remained tied to her fellow meta-animal. Brianna ducked under the root of a giant tree and soared upwards, trying to gain as much force as possible. Jia, not expecting the tug from her own webbing, tripped and was dragged to the root, where it pinned her abdomen under the massive tree. Brianna, still not done, looped aroung a tree trunk before tying the webbing to a branch. She used the sword to free her ankle.

Jia only snarled and tried to tug herself loose. "Now who's pinned?" Jia's front legs dug deep into the mud. "I'll be off helping Rama. Maybe he'll show you his sword in a little while."