The group headed out into the dim evening, the dark clouds having dissipated far off into the distance. Rama shouldered Ed, escorting him to a taxi where the two men left for the former Factory.
"Hey..." Grissom asked, looking over at the stranger. " name is Grissom."
The stranger, caught a bit off guard, nodded shaking hands with the thief.
"Just wanted to say thanks for help back there...." Montag continued. " have some nice moves."
"Thank you." the man nodded with a slight bow of the head.
" have a name?"
"I must confess that I would expect to be able to answer that..." the stranger shrugged. "....however....I cannot..."
Montag nodded, frowing a bit.
"Yeah, we seem to get that alot." he added. "Listen, you need a ride somewhere?"
The man looked around them, trying to take in this new country around him.
"I have nowhere to go."
"You can come with us...." Brianna suggested, walking up. "....can't he Griss?"
"Sure, I don't see why not." the Vanguardian nodded. "You helped us out with all that chaos...least I can do is offer you a place to crash for the night."
"I do not wish to impose."
"None whatsoever, mate..." Grissom smiled. "...come on...let's head back to my pad...."
At that moment, a nice stretch limo pulled into the hospital driveway. Coming to a stop in front of the trio, they made their way in, setting off for a relaxing night....