Grissom, Brianna, Brute Force, and Phil sat around the dining table in Grissom and Brianna's apartment, all staring down into their coffee cups.
"So that's it? New guy on the team?" Brute Force asked.
"Tiberius? Yeah. I think we can trust him," Phil said.
"Until the voice in his head goes crazy, takes over his body, and tries to kill us all and send our DNA to the future," Grissom added. The others at the table just glared at him.
"What? That was a joke..."
None of them said anything for a moment.
"Don't, Griss..." Brianna said softly, putting a hand on his knee.
"Of course, we do have the matter of another new member and another question of trust," Phil said, changing the subject and casting his gaze across the table, looking his teammates in the eye one by one.
"You mean Robo Squirrel?" Brianna asked.
"Yes. Robo Squirrel," Phil replied.
"Come on, we have to trust the little guy," Brute Force said.
"Why?" Grissom asked.
"He saved our asses back on the beach," Ben replied. "Plus... well, he's really cool."
"Come on! He's a flying silver squirrel!" Brute Force said, a little too enthusiastically.
"We don't know where he comes from. What he's here for," Grissom said.
"We could ask him," Brute Force answered. Before waiting for a reply, he stood up and opened the door to Grissom's living room. Robo Squirrel was hovering in the middle of the room vacuuming, a vacuum cleaner attachment on his arm and a pink frilled apron wrapped around his midsection.
"Robo Squirrel? Can you come in here for a second?" Ben asked.
"Affirmative" Robo Squirrel replied, and buzzed right past Brute Force and into the dining room.
Phil stood. "We need to ask you some questions," He said.
"Robo Squirrel is happy to answer any questions for his teammates in Vanguard International."
"Right..." Phil paused for a second at the squirrel's declaration. "Who made you?"
Robo Squirrel hovered silently for a moment as Phoney Origin Story Subroutine 4-D ran itself.
"Robo Squirrel was designed and built by Professor Galileo Sharpe. Robo Squirrel was Professor Sharpe's prototype model for a series of robots designed to aid and protect humanity. Professor Sharpe was killed when thieves broke into his office and attacked him, intending to steal Sharpe's designs for Robo Squirrel. If it was not for Robo Squirrel, Professor Galileo Sharpe would still be alive..."
The squirrel trailed off into silence for a moment. Brute Force tenderly patted him.
"Professor Sharpe's plans were lost in the attack. Robo Squirrel is all that remains of his work. Robo Squirrel will continue to follow his directives, as programmed by Professor Galileo Sharpe. Aid and protect humanity."
Robo Squirrel hovered there silently, his story finished.