
Matter-eater Man said:more people in poverty...If Bush's economic policies worked like Clinton's I would vote Republican more often.

I've noticed you've started hitting this "more people in poverty" phrase a lot. While I realize you're only parroting some talking point, you might want to stop throwing it around so much, especially in the context of compariing President Bush to President Clinton...

According to census data, the 2004 poverty rate (the last year they provide data for and the highest year under Bush) was 12.7%.

That's the same as the Clinton year 1998. It's lower than the Clinton years 1992-1997. And only slightly above the Clinton years 1997-2000.

In other words...the highest poverty rate under Bush is approximately the same or lower than the rate under the Clinton presidency...the last presidency where, you say, a president's economic policies "worked."

Furthermore, when you look at the average poverty rate under Bush, it is only 12.2%

The average poverty rate under Clinton was 15.1%, or almost three percent higher.

So, in fact, on average, there were more people in poverty under Clinton than Bush.

Care to tell us again, using your own measurement (more or less people in poverty) how well the Clinton policies "worked"?