Things are so-so for Hillary's Presidential ambitions in New York, and worse for her nationally, if an NBC/Marist Poll is any indication:

    Only 50 percent of Americans would be willing to vote for a female Democrat for president in 2008, according to a surprising new nationwide poll that spells potential bad news for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    The survey also found that 51 percent of all voters don't even want Clinton to run for the White House.

    The only leading contender from either party that a majority of Americans wants to see in the White House race is Rudy Giuliani, the WNBC/Marist Poll showed.

    The survey was good news for the former mayor - but not for women.

    It found that 30 percent of voters nationwide are not likely to support a woman nominated by either major party.

    That could pose a major problem for Clinton if she makes a bid for president in 2008, as is expected.