
the G-man said:
I don't think WB was saying Hillary has no platform. I think he was saying that she has never articulated a comprehensive set of principles, choosing, instead, to--dare I say it--flip flop.

Her ever changing views on the Iraq war are one example of that.

Yes, exactly.

She's trying to "triangulate" on which way the political wind is blowing. I saw her interviewed on ABC News, and she absolutely refused to take a stand or commit herself to anything.

She made some vague posturing about universal healthcare for the surviving families of 9-11, but again made no specifics about providing care for even that tiny fraction of Americans.

Gingrich, in contrast, has a vision for the nation, honed from over a decade in Washington. Gingrich has his negatives as well, but at least he has a comprehensive vision for the country.