
Wonder Boy said:
It made me ill today, watching the liberal media fawn all over Hilary Clinton, when she formally announced her intent to run.


I especially got a kick tonight watching Nightline and seeing George Stephanopoulos (Clinton's former White House communications director) give his "objective" opinion of the Clintons, who brought him from nobody-status to an anchor position on ABC News.

i would assume you get ill when campaign Carl on Fox News interviews Bush. After all Carl's wife worked for Bush's campaign.


All this gushing about the "first woman candidate".

Funny, how it barely made a blip on the liberal media's radar when Elizabeth Dole announced her candidacy in 2000. There have been several other lesser-known women who have campaigned with less visibility.

the whole point is that those women were lesser-visibility, they had no serious chance of winning. Hillary is the first woman who stands a chance of getting the official party nomination.


No, this is clearly the liberal media's darling, and any objective criticism of Hilary will have to come from somewhere else. It's Bill Clinton II the liberal media's promoting.


No one seems to notice that Hilary Clinton doesn't even have a political platform of specific issues she's running on. She just wants the power and status of being the first woman President.

no one ones for President these days for anything other than the power and status that it brings. And those that do, aren't going to have an R or a D next to their name.

And she's as unprincipled as her husband. An opportunist, who will say anything, and do anything, whatever it takes, to win.

you just described a political candidate.


I prefer a candidate who runs with a specific purpose, and has heartfelt issues that they unwaveringly defend and support. Such as Giuliani and the way he cleaned up New York, or Newt Gingrich's long-term vision for the nation.

Bow ties are coool.