
Wonder Boy said:...
  • Selling nights in the Lincoln bedroom, basically prostituting the White House for campaign donations.

  • Speaking of prostitutes...

    Bush White House Gay Sex Scandal Stars Jeff Gannon
        by URI DOWBENKO

    The Bush White House gay sex scandal heats up, as new revelations show that fake reporter and male prostitute Jeff Gannon "slept over" on numerous occasions at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
    Gannon had previously advertised his services on the internet as a male prostitute "top" at $1200 per weekend.
    White House overnight trysts were not uncommon, according to Secret Service logs of Jeff Gannon's White House entries and exits, requested by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) using the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act).
    Since "Jeff Gannon" has given the term "media whore" a whole new definition, the question arises -- could "Jeff Gannon" be President George Bush's Lewinsky albeit in gay apparel?
    White House logs furnished by the Secret Service show that fake reporter Jeff Gannon (a.k.a James Guckert) stayed overnight at the White House on many occasions - even when press conferences or briefings were not scheduled.
    These records reveal that the White House is like a Gay Roach Motel -- they check in but they don't check out.

    As it happens I too also have some secret service contacts who have confirmed that is indeed Gannon in the Lincoln bedroom waiting for Junior's Viagra to kick in. (The winky smile tells you that I'm joking, I'm reinterating for the partisans who get easily confused)

    Fair play!