
Matter-eater Man said:

PJP said:
MEM... what confuses me the most about you is that I think you actually think these are good and decent people. I mean politicians in general. They are all complete scumbags both Republican and Democrat yet you have the Clintons and the Dems flavor of the week on such a high pedestal. If any of them were ever in a room alone with you and no cameras were recording they would tell you to go fuck yourself and not even blink an eye. These are the scumiest people you could ever imagine meeting. I just happen to like the Republican scumbags better than the Dems scumbags. Get off your high horse and at least be able to entertain the idea that these people that you idolize ain't all that.

It certainly appears that you heavily favor Republicans. Where are your curse words for Rudy? Or Laura Bush?

Laura Bush isn't a politician....and unlike other first ladies of recent memories she knows her role and doesn't speak unless it's for some cute program that makes it look like she cares about people. I have plenty of curse words for dubya and don't have him on a very high pedestal. I don't think much of him or any politician....he happens to want to make the tax code fair and kill arabs so I vote for him and support him.....other than that there is no love affair. And I swear I will never bea able to understand the anger you have towards Giuliani other than you know he is a very strong candidate without much of a scumbag history. He cleaned up NYC and defeated the mob almost singlehandedly.....Is he presidential time will tell.