New York Daily News

    She says she just goofed.

    Sen. Hillary Clinton "inadvertently" omitted from her Senate ethics forms a family charity that has allowed her and her husband to write off millions in taxable income, her staff says.

    Federal tax forms list Hillary Clinton as the charity's secretary and treasurer, her husband as president and her daughter, Chelsea, as director. Donations have included $100,000 for Asian tsunami relief and $10,000 to the Columbine Memorial Committee.

Yeah, I can see this. Who among us hasn't forgotten they are the secretary and treasurer of a multi-million dollar corporation from time to time?

To be fair, I suppose given all the Clinton's other financial affairs, it is possible that the nondisclosure of inadvertent. But doesn't that, in and of itself, tend to demonstrate a certain lackadaisical attitude toward financial details that one would prefer not to see in the nation's chief executive?