
Poll: Clinton rebounds over Obama
By Susan Page, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has rebounded to a 15 percentage-point lead over Illinois Sen. Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken after the candidates' first debate.

Among Republicans, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani maintained a 14-point lead over Arizona Sen. John McCain.

Clinton is the only contender in either party to show movement outside the poll's margin of error. She is the choice of 38% of the Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters surveyed, up 7 points from a survey taken three weeks earlier. Obama is at 23%, 3 points lower than before.

Giuliani is supported by 34% of the Republicans and Republican-leaning voters surveyed, compared with 20% for McCain.

USA Today

Fair play!