allan1 ------ G'Nort (because both of them are fun characters but hardly ever around) Animalman ------ Martian Manhunter Batwoman ----- Oracle Bianca ----- Power Girl Bibbo ----- Mr. Miracle Brian A. Ortiz ----- Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) britneyspearsatemyshorts ----- The Creeper Britannica ----- Flash (Wally West) ButterRican ----- Fire Captain Sammitch ----- Superboy (Conner Kent) Chewy Walrus ----- Plastic Man Chris Oakley ----- Jimmy Olsen Cowgirl Jack ------ Hawkgirl (cuz, honestly, she'd kill us if we said any different.) Danny ----- Dr. Alec Holland/Swamp Thing Darknight613 ----- Elijah Snow Dave ------ Darkseid Dave the Wonder Boy ------ Hawkman (Silver Age Thangarian version) Difficult Kind ----- Wonder Woman Disco Steve ----- Blue Beetle Drzsmith ------ Deadman Grimm ------ Black Adam Jim Jackson ----- Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) Joe Mama ----- Green Lantern (Alan Scott) JQ ------ The Joker Kimi ----- Black Canary King Krypton ------ Maxwell Lord King Snarf ----- Captain Cold Kristogar Velo ------ Johnny Thunder LLance ------ Kilowag Man of the Atom ----- Krypto the Superdog Meeko ----- Ice MisterJLA ------ Braniac Mxy ----- Booster Gold Nowhereman ------ Cassiday (Preacher) Pariah ------ Arseface Princess Koriand'r ----- Jakita Wagner Prometheus ------ John Constantine Rob Kamphausen ------ The Flash (Jay Garrick) Son of Mxy ------ Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) Stareena ------ Zatanna sneaky bunny ------ Harlequinn THE Franta ------ Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) the G-Man ------ Captain Marvel The Indestructible Man ------ Apollo theory9 ------ Jesse Custer (Preacher) TK-069 ------ The Drummer URG ------ Solomon Grundy Uschi ------ Spoiler Ultimate Jaburg53 ------ The Trickster wannabuyamonkey ------- Orion ZOD ----- Snapper Carr
That's all that I can think of for the moment. I cheated and used Wildstorm and Vertigo characters. They've interacted with the DCU proper on more than one occasion.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."