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Last issue, the facts pointed to Boomerbutt alright, with ish 4 this seems to obvious. But I really look forward to how they justify that Hal was not allowed to drop a hint.
OK, can anyone help me out with the pix Flash and BC look at on page 13? I've read every Suicide Squad appearance except for the Hawk and Dove one, I just can't find a name for some of them, makes me giddy- Top row: Javelin (last I heard he was DEAD), Duchess (Lashina), Penguin Second row:Black Adam, Count Vertigo, WHO IS THE OLD GEEZER?, WHO IS THE GUY THAT LOOKS LIKE A SATYR? Third row: Is that the Parasite?, Is this Tom Tresser aka Nemesis?, Deadshot, Poison Ivy, Who's the cute redhead to Ivy's right? Fourth row: Punch and Jewelee, Killer Frost, Is this a chick, Star Sapphire perhaps or a different costume for Black Orchid?, Captain Cold
Think clean thoughts, chum.
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-Javelin, Lashina, Penguin
-Black Adam, Count Vertigo, Blockbuster (?), Captain Boomerang
-Parasite (?), ???? (Rick Flagg? Nemesis?), Deadshot, Poison Ivy, Plastique (?)
-Punch and Jewelee, Killer Frost, Blackhand (?), Captain Cold
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Nemesis was in the Squad for a bit and had a fling with Nightshade, I believe.
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Well he'll be doing his screwin in heaven thanks to Devin Grayson... Prometheus, I think you're right about Blockbuster, Boomerang and Plastique. I think bottom is Bolt, Black Hand was never in the Squad, I've last seen him kidnapping the Mists baby in Starman. Maybe the Tom Tresser lookalike is Pariah, as he came to the Squad in the War of the Gods, but he is missing his eyeliner...
Think clean thoughts, chum.
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Even though I don't like this story, I'd just like to address this for overall comicbookdom's sake: Quote:
Chewy Walrus said: A lot of others have made similar observations. I remember an issue of Young Justice where the boys are talking about not staring at Hippolyta's "eagle" because it made her mad.
Everyone's thinking it, G-Man. Meltzer's just saying it.
I gotta agree, and it just reinforces his character in this case.
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I did my flip through today. Great cover. Turner is a fine artist. And a very interesting story. Quote:
Grimm said: ". . .in that outfit?"
"Think clean thoughts, chum."
Ollie talking about her "rack" is perfectly in character. And the actual comment is that Slipknot wasn't staring at her rack, but at what was " below her waist and hanging twelve inches lower" which has got to be the most unintentionally funny line I've seen in quite a while.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this before. Is it implying WW has balls?
I really liked how Slipknot didn't turn to Christianity or Islam, but instead turned to Kobra. Suicide Squad was one of my favourite books ever, and this story really seems to pay homage to it.
The "rack" comment took me by surprise, but its hardly offensive (at least, by Australian standards).
The nod to Hal Jordan's return was funny. Ollie knows what every fanboy does - people in the superhero game come back from the dead.
Looks like Lois is targeted next, but how on earth is someone slipping by the elaborate security system? An inside job? But who has the motivation?
Batman's "who benefits?" must be a red herring. Sometimes you don't need a benefit. We can rule out the Assassins - they are just keeeping their heads down and hoping it blows over.
And why alert Lois to the fact she's next? To keep Supes out of the picture and jittery, I guess?
Could it be Red Tornado? A creation of T.O. Morrow, a former JLAer from the satellite years? There was an issue drawn by Perez a long time ago, where his original (incorporating the Tornado Champion) was re-jigged.
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therealdeadshot said: Last issue, the facts pointed to Boomerbutt alright, with ish 4 this seems to obvious. But I really look forward to how they justify that Hal was not allowed to drop a hint.
OK, can anyone help me out with the pix Flash and BC look at on page 13? I've read every Suicide Squad appearance except for the Hawk and Dove one, I just can't find a name for some of them, makes me giddy- Top row: Javelin (last I heard he was DEAD), Duchess (Lashina), Penguin Second row:Black Adam, Count Vertigo, WHO IS THE OLD GEEZER?, WHO IS THE GUY THAT LOOKS LIKE A SATYR? Third row: Is that the Parasite?, Is this Tom Tresser aka Nemesis?, Deadshot, Poison Ivy, Who's the cute redhead to Ivy's right? Fourth row: Punch and Jewelee, Killer Frost, Is this a chick, Star Sapphire perhaps or a different costume for Black Orchid?, Captain Cold
When they said in the story that someone copied Dr. Light and Slipknot's abilities, that picture of the Parasite being in the Suicide Squad made me curious. He could use Nightshade's power to teleport in. He's encountered Superman and Lois so that could be how he knows their secrets. Certainly he should be considered.
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Except that he is dead, IIRC. They are making new parasites in Adventures of Superman I think.
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This was on todays lying in the gutters. It could be a huge spoiler so I will give it plenty of space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WINGING IT
"Nightwing's" 100th issue is rumoured to be his last (though not officially confirmed as such). This has caused a number of people to see it as proof of the rumour that he's the killer from "Identity Crisis." He also follows the classic murder mystery trappings of appearing in the first issue, with a similar trenchcoat worn by the killer, and all the deaths start on the anniversary of his parents' own demise.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Dick "still a marketable piece of pop culture from 1960s TV show, etc." Grayson as the killer?
No way in hell.
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No spoiler at all. It's already been reported that Nightwing is going on hiatus for a "Nightwing:Year One" treatment by Dixon and McDaniel.
Nothing to see here, move along. Dick is NOT the IC killer.
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therealdeadshot said: Well he'll be doing his screwin in heaven thanks to Devin Grayson... Prometheus, I think you're right about Blockbuster, Boomerang and Plastique. I think bottom is Bolt, Black Hand was never in the Squad, I've last seen him kidnapping the Mists baby in Starman. Maybe the Tom Tresser lookalike is Pariah, as he came to the Squad in the War of the Gods, but he is missing his eyeliner...
It's comics. Who stays dead in comics? Very few people. And Nemesis was a master of disguise. It wouldn't surprise me to see him pop up somewhere in the future.
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I dont see Robin's Dad as being the next victim in the "Who Benefits" scene but more as a possible suspect...
Pops doesnt want his son to risk his life as a hero...so goes and kills the heroes loved ones to show him what can happen.... Tim decides NOT to go out crime fighting that night because of all thats going on...
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I think not showing WW in the book is simply downplaying the big three to put the others in the spotlight...
and I dont care what kind of powers he has...Bats would be the EXPERT Detective I'd call in...but GA calling Supes the best is more HIS personal thing against Bats...
BTW just coz a kid has Smart parents does not ensure he'll be brilliant ... remember as NM pointed out Kal-el was raised in Kansas.... Jor and Lar-el came from a more advanced society a benefit Clark wouldnt have...
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IN re-reading the book, I think that Ollie was calling Superman "the best" in terms of ability to see and/or observe.
Last time, they brought in a team that could each look at an aspect of the crime scene (ex: Atom checking for microscopic particles), but only Superman has the raw power and super senses to look at everything at once.
So Supes is "the best" at seeing/hearing/smelling/tasting everything in the room.
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Agvreed. I figured the reference was just for his senses being the absolute best, not his detective abilities. Granted, Supes is no slouch there, but GA was referring to his seeing/feeling/finding something other methods couldn't, not his brains.
"Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat."
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the G-man said: So Supes is "the best" at seeing/hearing/smelling/tasting everything in the room.
I hope no one defecated in there.
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He'd be conscious of every molecule in a 100 foot radius, including Ollie's bad breath, BO, and inability to use toilet paper properly.
Who benefits? But what is the benefit?
1. reputation 2. revenge 3. money (which would tie into revenge).
Reputation means any villain out to make a name for himself or herself. But the modes of attack are stealthy, not the acts of someone out to carve a reputation. I think we rule out reputation.
Revenge points to a JLA enemy, but one who does not wish for the JLA to know who it is, at least not right now. And there is no shortage of them. It does appear to be one person operating alone, but not necessarily.
So far I think we've seen nothing but red herrings.
Given the writer's penchant for old characters (how cool was it to see the Black Spider again!), I'm guessing its an old and obscure enemy of the JLA.
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G'not G'nort.
I still stick with my guess that its T.O. Morrow using Red Tornado. Morrow's got motivation, and Red Tornado was a member of the JLA and so can get around their security systems.
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I do like that theory...
although I have yet to see any evidence towards it...
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Maybe it's Amazo? Copying the powers of all the JLA members, he could use J'onn's telepathy to suss out the secret lives of the heroes, and he could surely overcome security measures...
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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Given the recent appearance of Amazon in Ultimate Justice League I considered the same thing! But too obvious....no?
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I think telepathy, like teleportation, are too obvious plot devices.
It all sounds like an insider, with a motive, from old JLA continuity. The Red Tornado / T.O. Morrow team fits the bill. I can't think of anything else, other than a hero turned bad, but in which case, what is the motivation? People have been talking about Martin Stein - why would he want to kill the JLA's wives and relatives?
It could also be Starro, I guess. That would explain the different methods of attack, and the lack of information from the villains. Starro uses their skills, and then wipes their minds. But that doesn't strike me as particualrly clever.
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Are there any digruntled exlovers of Superheroes?
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As far as Martin Stein, last I saw he was crazy. Crazy people don't always need good reasons for doing the things they do. That's why they're crazy. It's just one more theory on the massive pile. But one that I like.
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I don't like insanity as a motivator. It doesn't fit into Batman's "who benefits?" question. Quote:
Franta said: Are there any digruntled exlovers of Superheroes?
Of course! Its Lori Lemaris!!
Talia Head? Silver St Cloud? Cat Grant? Doreen Day? Carol Ferris? The tiny blue chick in the bikini from the Amazon jungle? John Constantine?
It just occurred to me that the cover of the most recent issue was intended to suggest it was WW.
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Good show Dave the only one I could think of right of the bat (pun intended) was Silver St Cloud!
But I of course meant REAL suspects!
But again....I think the WHO BENEFITS was NOT a red herring...not that any of those shown were the ACTUAL killer...
I think Meltzer is going to have Batman find the wrong killer and someone else (GA or E-man) find the real deal!!!
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Franta said: Are there any digruntled exlovers of Superheroes?
Maybe Nightwing really IS the killer...
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Or maybe that's what they want you to think!
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Of course, it is that funny talking hero-killer from Kevin Smiths GA run! 
Think clean thoughts, chum.
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splash plonk whack. Quote:
Franta said: Good show Dave the only one I could think of right of the bat (pun intended) was Silver St Cloud!
But I of course meant REAL suspects!
But again....I think the WHO BENEFITS was NOT a red herring...not that any of those shown were the ACTUAL killer...
I think Meltzer is going to have Batman find the wrong killer and someone else (GA or E-man) find the real deal!!!
Yes, I think that's a given - Meltzer says in an interview that Bast gets what he deserves in the end.
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not necessarially a given...
he gets taken down a peg I beleive was the exact quote...
and that could be simply the JLA has mindwiped him for many years...
starting with the Dr Light incident....
Batman was the one who suggested the mindwipe....and none of the other JLA remembers (mindwiped themselves...save maybe Zatanna or shes mindwiped another way) but Dr Light reminds them!
So not finding the killer isnt the only manner it which a peg is taken out of the Caped Crusader....
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Too true, Franta old chum!
Who was the very first JLA villain? Kanjar-ro, or Despero?
Despero had a good run in Virtue and Vice, so I doubt its him.
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technically it was Starro.
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 from The Brave and the Bold # 28: "Starro the Conqueror!" first appearance of the JLA however their "origin" would later be reveiled.
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You're all retarded, I got this half-assed mystery figured out already.
It's Thomas Elliot.
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Nope....according to Nowhereman and a host of others persecuting him...its CHRIS OAKLEY!