It's turned into utter pandemonium here at the Cheese Dome! We've only just opened the doors to accept new applicants, and chaos has already struck!

The New Stooge Order has declared its desire to overrun the RDCW! Gunny Hartman has returned after that horrendous incident involving the RDCW owner, a bayonet, camoflague paint, and a gallon of lard! But he has not returned empty handed! With the former Marine came a monster of a man who has only been identified as Private Problems! Language seems to be somewhat of a problem for this man, but his size indicates that he might just well be trouble in the ring!

And now, it seems that the rookie, PJP, is showing his inexperience right off the bat! Not only has he challenged the legendary Nowhereman to a Steel Cage Casket match! Not only has he verbally attacked and threatened the owner, Rob Kamphausen, himself! PJP has also taken shots at the newest memeber of the RDCW, Pig Iron! Hopefully, this new surprise manager of his can keep this young man focused and concentrating on his upcoming battle with Nowhereman next Sunday!