Originally posted by PenWing:
Hey thedoctor, how's that?

Good. The question is, will he accept the challenge? [whaaaa!]

Anyway, I've sent out the PM's to each of you concerning your matches. Please contact each other and work them out. Just in case we need them, here are some extra rules that I didn't outline in my PM.

  • 1. No squash matches.
  • 2. Make it the kind of match that you'd really like to see. No limits on what you can do, as long as it's feasible. Beat the shit out of each other.

That's basically it.

Just for the record, the system I'm using to determine the outcomes of matches is truly a nerdy one. I roll a twelve sided die after assigning each wrestler to either high (7-12) or low (1-6). The further from the center the role, the greater the win. The closer, the harder it was to win. A percentage roll is made using ten sided dice to see if it is a clean victory or if foul play was involved. So it's all totally random. Unless I hate you. Then, you become a jobber. [wink]

Also, if anyone has an ideas for names of belts, feel free to make them. The next big event will have us actually handing out titles.