this kid's life now. oy! its gotta be fucked.

he's obviously a cubs fan. ... i mean, he could be a front-runner, but he's a cubs front-runner.

he had great seats. the hat. the whole bit. odds are he told everyone he knew he was going to the game. bosses, friends, family, etc. and everyone already knows he's a cubs fan -- a team who has been cursed out of the world series since before many current teams existed.

and now, he's (indirectly, but infamously) the cause of their not going to the series. yeah, there's a whole 'nother game, and yeah, he didn't give the marlins 8 runs in one inning. but, like bill buchner's doomsday association, this poor young guy, a fan, will forever be linked with stealing the series from the cubbies.

all his friends know. his family. his colleagues. and, because of some hefty reporting, camera angles, and articles, his face has gotten out to darn near anyone who wanted to get it out. thankfully, no one has his name, but im sure thats only a matter of time.

he wont be able to go anywhere for the next few days, weeks, or maybe ever, without someone recognizing him and pointing it out (bill buchner had to relocate his whole family out of boston after 86).

thats rough.