if you're only interested in games your team is in, then why would you ever watch baseball this late in the year?

the ratings for the post season this year have been amazing. to my knowledge, they've reported as the best since the strike a decade ago. in my thinking, thats even better because there are so many more post season games.

but ratings aside... yeah, i'd probably agree, this is the best post season i can remember. and that really doesn't have all that much to do with my team being involved.

first and foremost, the cubs and red sox were both hairline fractures away from a world series trip. and, considering that they, in addition to the brooklynn dodgers, are amongst the best-known, losing baseball franchises, thats amazing. and exciting to watch!

a cubs / bosox world series was a joke just months ago. we were just a few outs away from that happening this october.

having wrigley, fenway, and yankee stadium in the playoffs made for wonderful post card scenery. 3 of the most beloved parks in all of sports put on display for nation to enjoy.

then, of course, there were the games. the braves dying early. the unbelievable boston - oakland series. the hope of major power displays by bonds, sosa, giambi, etc. the cy young names. two curses on the line. brash young stars.

the red sox / yankees series, alone, could have powered this post season. with all the legend and fame and infamy and fighting and rivalry etc, etc, etc. a 7 game, hard ball classic, climaxing with an extra inning duel. best series i've ever seen, hands down. best comeback i've experienced. most intense / exciting baseball i've ever watched in my life.

how post seasons in the 30s or 60s waged, i obviously can't judge. only llance could tell. but this is definitely the best in my lifetime.