I am reposting here what I wrote in the Writer's Block main thread, to give it more visibility.
Seeing that there are some people interested to write on a round robin/RPG story, but are driven away from the Vanguard Universe because of the complex, three years old history/continuity of that Universe, and seeing that as of now the various threads related to that Universe see just one or two posts a week, I am proposing to start a completely new round robin story, with no connection to the Vanguard Universe.
I am open to all suggestions, but I propose that to make it more story oriented, and less character oriented than the two Vanguard threads, there should be one rule: that no spin-off serie, solo stories about characters or teams featured in that new stories should be allowed. The new "universe" should live just in the main story.
Also, it would not at all replace the Vanguard Universe: I am still devoted to the narration of the group on La Perdita. Just, with the current rate of posting, I think there is the place for something else, especially for who has time to write, like myself now, but don't want to monopolize the Vanguard threads, and for who, being new, find vanguard too complicate.
Some people, like I man and Sammithc, have expressed their thoughs. I hope to hear more, and if there are at last five people interested to write, we can start to discuss ideas about the setting and then elect one to make the first post.