Quote: Me, I applaud JMS' balls for daring to fuck with a pointless taboo... and get people talking while he's at it.
Anyone else notice that too many Nu-Marvel writers-and their fans-think getting people to talk about how much a book sucks is a positive thing?
I don't think that way because I like "Nu-Marvel" (the only Marvel I'm interested in are the original 60's comics and some stuff from the 80's), I think like that because, fuck, it's fucking common sense. Like someone said in something I read sometime recently, apathy is the only bad reaction that a comic can get. Hating a comic with that kind of passion only fanboys know only generates debate around the series, which is just another way of making people aware the comic exists.
Doesn't justify bad/non-sensical writing. You may call many gigs of debate success. I call it cheap. A story's there to entertain, not to purposfully raise a ruckus.
By your standards Mxy, Liefeld is an excellent writer. Just keep that in mind.