
Now, Mxy, you're just being undemocratic. Democracy is a form of government under which the power to alter the basic laws and forms of government lies with the voting citizenry, referred to as "the people", and all decisions are made by representatives who act by their consent, as enforced by elections and the rule of law. In some cases, democracy is associated with nominal monarchy where the monarch has sharply limited powers, but it is more commonly associated with a republic.

The word democracy originates from the Greek δημοκρατíα from δημος meaning "the people", plus κρατειν meaning "to rule", and the suffix íα; the term therefore means "Rule by the People." The term is also sometimes used as a measurement of how much influence a people has over their government, as in how much democracy exists. Anarchism and communism (as in the final stage of social development according to Marxist theory) are social systems that employ a form of direct democracy, and have no state independent of the people themselves.

Clearly, comics should be ruled in this fashion. The majority want continuity. Silly Chilean.

I urge you all: do not vote for Mxy for Continuity President.

We will prevail!