Never been too fond of the place I live now. House is great, no bastard neighbours or anything, but the area has just gone down hill. Reasonably safe, dont get me wrong there, although there is a stretch behind my house with no street lights or anything, but the residents just bring the whole place down. Its either young teenagers thinking they are gangsters, the ever growing populace of foreigners who seem to have staged a coup on the whole area, the huge area of horrible grey flats [my 1st day in the area 8 years ago, a guy commited suicide by jumping off the flats] or really young kids who are always playing accross the road and drive you up the wall with their playful noisy noises
Only about 1.5 hours bus/train ride from central London, and some really nice walks along the Thames, but Thamesmead also has a faint odeur of stench about it sometimes. Apparently some sewage factory 2/3 miles away is the cause, doesnt over-welm you or anything and you only smell it now and again, just disconcerting that its never actually been fixed
Some nice females around, but unfortunately lost touch with all my old school friends, and I made some bad enemies in my 1st days here. Football/Soccer match, but my older cousin decided to call the other team "poofders". Turns out those kids/brothers were big players around the area and I've run into a lot of shit over the years because of it

I plan to go around the world and end up living somewhere in the US anyway, probably NYC or somewhere near