Up yours,your overweight has-been.You won't get the chance to do anything to the dweebs in SD-6....because my Blackandblue Army will shred your precious Family like wet paper.First Obscene will whale the crap out of Choke-His-Chicken Mama,then Lizzie Boring will annihilate Disgrace and Geeky Bunny,then "Dixie Cash" Chris Blandrick will kill Johnny Reject,then Huge Rick Fudley will chokeslam El Uselesscreepo straight to hell,then Macy Snickers will wipe the floor with King Barf--and when the carnage is over and you're all alone,Louie Boy,yours truly will take what's left of your manhood and throw it and you in the dumpster with the rest of the trash.


Follow the money,baby! RDCW's going down!