and my boys, the Legbreakers, the new RDLL Tag Team Champions. With this win, they move into position to take down the Allied Powers next week, and bring the World Tag Titles into the Family's possession!

Now I'd like to address what you're all no doubt expecting me to discuss. The Family's Enforcer, Joe Mama. You no doubt expect me to respond to Joe's accusations on Havoc, you expect me to run him down the way he ran down the Family. Well, I'm not going to.

You see, much of what Joe had to say is true. The Family has lost a bit of our competitive edge. Success has bred complacency in some. Thus, we have stumbled a bit and lost a few steps. But beginning next week, we are going to step back into the position of power in the RDCW!

Because my Legbreakers are gonna beat those tag titles off of old man Howdy and his gimp partner, JLA!

And then, Joe Mama, then, I MYSELF am going to be in the corner of the Pitbull, Charlie for his match against you! And I am going to manage Charlie to victory against you! And then, when you have fallen in defeat, you will come crawling back to the Family!

I make stars, baby!