The Captain's Corner? Meeko's Mic Night?

Once again, Louie Bastardo leads the way and everyone else follows along in his wake!

The most successful manager in RDCW history! The most successful talk show host in RDCW history! And I've only just begun!

No one thought I could take King Snarf and Chris Oakley to the top, yet that's just what I did! I made them the top two wrestlers in the RDCW at the same time!

No one thought that when the Bastardo Family was down to two wrestlers, Grace, and myself, that we'd come back bigger and better and stronger than ever! Yet that's exactly what we did! At No Way Out of the Closet, we redefined not only the Family, but the RDCW as a whole!

New managers popped up in our wake, each claiming they would put me and the Family down, yet here we still are. We've slipped a bit, I admit it. But we're still here. And we're poised to dominate once again.

No one thought we could consolidate a power base that would overrun the business. Yet the business merger with Slick Willie Williams allowed us to do just that. The Family Business is the largest, most successful stable in the RDCW. And that's fact.

Now, once again, no one thinks we can recover from our recent losses and forge ahead into new territory. But that's what being a Bastardo is all about. Moving on when other people give up. Rebounding, planning anew, and coming back stronger than ever. Some people just don't seem to get that.

But they will.

I make stars, baby!