Well, I feel very strongly about this, it happened to me....
I won't say too much because I still consider the female part of this a good friend, but my ex (who shall remain nameless-and many of you know who) started a relationship with someone hundreds of miles away. I'm sure it started out quite innocently, but as the weeks and months went on, it turned out not to be innocent at all. I know he held much more of an attachment to her than she did to him, but he would tell her things like, "I just had great sex with my wife. It was so good, because I thought of you the whole time."
So, over time it played a MAJOR role in breaking up our marriage.
I made friends with the girl, we have struck up quite a friendship. I don't talk to her much, but we still keep in contact and I don't blame her for what happened. She was meerly having fun, but to my ex, he was in it for more than fun. He even went so far as to buy a web cam so he could show her some "body parts."
It was an eye opening experience for me and it was also devestating. She feels really bad about the whole thing, but as I already said, I don't blame her. As for him, well, he moved on to more and more women (obviously other than me) and now he and I are in the process of a divorce. That is not the only thing that broke us up, but it was kinda the icing on the cake that started it all. I realized after this happened that we would not make it much longer, as a married couple.
I have fun and flirt with people on here too, I talk with some of them through emails and such and I would love to meet and even call some of you, but I know my boundries. I don't understand the idea of in internet relationship. It really isn't a relationship at all....