there's probably an area of the site that lists everyone pictured, but... i tried doing it myself.
didn't do too well.
row 1:
1) bret hart
2) hulk hogan
3) andre the giant
4) honky tonk man
5) ultimate warrior
6) ???
7) bob backlund (???)
8) sgt slaughter
9) roddy piper
10) bruno sammartino (???)
row 2:
1) kurt angle
2) ???
3) chris jericho
4) tony atlas??
5) ???
6) mick foley
7) ???
8) superfly snuka
9) razor ramon
10) ???
row 3:
1) jake the snake
2) ???
3) george the animal steele (???)
4) ???
5) benoit (???)
6) stone cold
7) ted dibiase
8) chyna
9) yokozuno (???)
10) big show
row 4:
1) ???
2) undertaker
3) billy graham (???)
4) shawn michaels
5) ricky the dragon steamboat
6) the rock
7) fabulous moolah
8) macho man!
9) brock lesnar (c'mon, him??)
row 5:
1) iron sheik
2) ???
3) ???
4) dr death (???)
5) ???
6) ric flair
7) kane
8) ???
9) ...luger ???
10) ???
eef... not bad, i guess.
where's terry funk? (did he have a wwf stint?) hacksaw? captain lou? tito santana? british bulldog? are they up there, and i missed'em?