quote: row 1: 1) bret hart 2) hulk hogan 3) andre the giant 4) honky tonk man 5) ultimate warrior 6) ??? 7) bob backlund (???) 8) sgt slaughter 9) roddy piper 10) bruno sammartino (???)
6) Killer Kowalski, I believe. 10) Magnificent Muraco. Sammartino has been on the outs with Vince since the late eighties and likely not to be listed on here. He may be on here, though.
quote: row 2: 1) kurt angle 2) ??? 3) chris jericho 4) tony atlas?? 5) ??? 6) mick foley 7) ??? 8) superfly snuka 9) razor ramon 10) ???
2) Chief Jay Strongbow? 4) not sure, Bobo Brazil? 5) might be Sammartino there, it's not a very clear pic. 7)Ivan Putski.
quote: row 3: 1) jake the snake 2) ??? 3) george the animal steele (???) 4) ??? 5) benoit (???) 6) stone cold 7) ted dibiase 8) chyna 9) yokozuno (???) 10) big show
4) Wayne Coleman, the one and only Superstar Graham, and the guy that inspired yer hero, Rob. 5) Triple H, I believe. 10) King Kong Bundy
quote: row 4: 1) ??? 2) undertaker 3) billy graham (???) 4) shawn michaels 5) ricky the dragon steamboat 6) the rock 7) fabulous moolah 8) macho man! 9) brock lesnar (c'mon, him??) 10)
1) The original Nature Boy, Buddy Rogers. First man to hold the NWA and WWF championships. First WWF champ, in fact. (Technically WWWF, for nitpickers.) 3) Jesse "The Body" Ventura. Also heavily influenced by Superstar Graham. 10) Rick Rude, I believe.
quote: row 5: 1) iron sheik 2) ??? 3) ??? 4) dr death (???) 5) ??? 6) ric flair 7) kane 8) ??? 9) ...luger ??? 10) ???
2) Ernie Ladd? 3) Pedro Morales. First WWF Triple Crown winner (World, IC, Tag titles) 4) don't know 5) Gorilla Monsoon 8) Junkyard Dog 9) "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 10) don't know
Mr.Perfect Owen Hart Terry Funk (was with the WWF/E twice that I can recall) Tito Santana British Bulldog Dusty Rhodes Arn Anderson The Legion of Doom The Killer Bees
Dusty Rhodes wouldn't be on this list because Vince always treated him like a joke when he was in the WWF. I guess they didn't feel Terry Funk did enough in his stints with the company to be top 50. Have no clue how Perfect, Owen and the British Bulldog aren't on this list.
Yeah, Rhodes, Funk, Anderson, the Road Warriors, those guys did more in the NWA/WCW than they did WWF/E. Flair's likely only on there because he's on the current roster.
Ok I got a peek at the bookstore just now (yes, I cheated uncle eddie! ) and here's the final rundown.
row 1: 1) bret hart 2) hulk hogan 3) andre the giant 4) honky tonk man 5) ultimate warrior 6) killer kowalski 7) bob backlund 8) sgt slaughter 9) roddy piper 10) magnificent muraco
row 2: 1) kurt angle 2) chief jay strongbow 3) chris jericho 4) bobo brazil 5) bruno sammartino 6) mick foley 7) ivan putski 8) superfly snuka 9) razor ramon 10) antonina rocca
row 3: 1) jake the snake 2) pat patterson 3) george the animal steele 4) superstar graham 5) triple h 6) stone cold 7) ted dibiase 8) wendi richter 9) yokozuna 10) king kong bundy
row 4: 1) buddy rogers 2) undertaker 3) jesse ventura 4) shawn michaels 5) ricky the dragon steamboat 6) the rock 7) fabulous moolah 8) macho man! 9) brock lesnar 10) rick rude
row 5: 1) iron sheik 2) ernie ladd 3) pedro morales 4) ken patera 5) gorilla monsoon 6) ric flair 7) kane 8) jyd 9) paul orndorff 10) haystacks
Yeah lets face it if that was the only qualifier we'd have to say why aint Big Show on there?
The problem you are gonna have with a company thats been around as long as WWWF/WWF/WWE is that just wittling it down to 50 is always gonna put some fans noses outta joint!
Some might say why no Benoit,Mysterio,Chyna or Edge? Some might say why no Bulldog,Jeff Jarrett,RVD or New age outlaws?
I dunno how we could define that,its gonna be personal choice after all! I mean a good example is The Big Show who always gets slated by fans yet Andre gets held up as one of the greatest. From what I've seen,Big Show is a hell of a lot better than Andre. I'm not saying Show deserves to be on there or that he is a great wrestler,I'm just saying IMO he is better than Andre!
Does this mean he deserves to be on the cover? I dunno,thats not my choice to make!
skill wise, big show can probably beat the snot outta andre -- especially the andre most of us knew, toward the end of his career in the first few wrestlemanias.
but popularity wise (which is what i assume this magazine is focusing on), big show is several hundred levels below the giant.
that aside, when i ask who you think shouldn't be on the cover, i just meant through personal opinion: if you could remove some of those who made it, and swap in some who you feel would better represent the "50 greatest," who would you use?
Problem is I'd wanna take off all the old guys as I have no frame of reference for them as I've never seen them. Same as the 80s guys & early 90s,I was into WCW then not WWF,so my view point would be more biased to WCW guys who came over or worked in WWF at some point!
There are plenty of guys like RVD,The New Age Outlaws,Legion Of Doom,Booker,JJ,Owen,Benoit,The Dudleys & Rey Rey who should all be on there if popularity was the key judging point,I think its more of a case of what the stars actually bring to the table is more important. Stuff like the Undertaker & his dead man gimmick was huge,Hogan bringing wrestling into the superstar league,Y2J being the first undisputed champion,Stone Cold for carrying the show during the Raw/Nitro wars,Angle for his amazing sucess rate in his first year or HBK for really pushing the high flyer thing to the fore!
I dont see that Brock has earned a place on that list yet although obviously the whole "youngest ever champion" thing does make for something unique!
Flair DEF belongs on the list!! He is the single reason the NWA made it to the national and international scene and became a prominent star that NO ONE other than Hogan has ever rivalled!!
Warrior one of my all-time favs (I remember being in the stands at Wrestlemania 6, sitting between my brother and then fiance - BEING THE ONLY WARRIOR FAN IN THE ENTIRE SECTION)!! He belongs in the top 15 at least!! He combined power, speed and intensity in a "big man" - that is still evident today!!
Scott Hall has been around WAAAYY longer than Nash!! Scott had came in as a young man under people like Curt Hennig!! Nash started as Oz in WCW in late eighties/early nineties!!
While Nash was the frontman in NWO, Hall was the senior wrestler and star!!
Assembler, you're right, but aside from the Warrior stuff, everything you're referring to happened in NWA/WCW. This is a WWE list. Their stance for the most part has always been to ignore things that happened in other organizations.
quote:Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen: yokozuna was most popular in the years i wasn't a fan... does he deserve it?
Imo, yes. He was the first person of Samoan descent to hold a World championship and was one of the longest reigning heel champions the WWF/E has ever had. Not to mention he had victories over Hogan, Hart, Luger, Undertaker, Macho Man. . .most of the big name guys around at that time.
quote:Originally posted by Nowhereman: I do find it funny though that Scott Hall makes the cut while Kevin Nash doesnt!
I thought that was kind of odd myself. I'm not a huge Nash fan, but given his record: WWF Triple Crown winner (holding the tag, ic, and world titles in a year!) and being a WWF/WCW World Champion. . .curious.
quote:Originally posted by Grimm: and there are other WWF champions that are not on the list. your point?
Um...that there's reason to put Flair on the list other than he's currently with the company? Big Show and Nash are with the company and aren't on the list, as are many other wrestlers, so what’s your point? My point would be that Flair's on this list because of his first run with the company, regardless of his current run.
Alright, I'll expand--he won the WWF Title by going in the Rumble for an hour, the most famous and celebrated Rumble ever, beating out every top name in the company at the time. He also had a one of the greatest money feuds of all time with Randy Savage, and was the key to Bret Hart’s rise to WWF Champion. Even before wrestling a match for the WWF, he brought the NWA World Title to WWF events, giving his entering the company more immediate impact than probably anybody else’s in history. The fact that he did all of this in such a short time is remarkable, and I think would get Flair on this list even if he wasn’t currently with the company.
Also, let's not forget that when Flair won the title, changes were a lot less frequent and thus meant a lot more. The only pre-Flair champions not on the list are Ivan Koloff, Stan Stasiak and Antonio Inoki, all three of whom had short reigns even by today's standards. So Flair’s two world title wins mean a helluva lot more than the wins of guys like Sid and Big Show(the only multi-time champions not on the list).
quote:Originally posted by Doc.Mid-Nite: Where's "The Natural" Butch Reed, Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, Bam Bam Bigelow, or Greg "The Hammer" Valentine?
I don't know about the other guys listed, but Brutus Beefcake now collects tokens for the Green Line (subway) here in Boston...
quote:Posted by Krissie Gar: . . .so what’s your point?
I thought it rather obvious that my point was being a champion was obviously not the sole reason for making the list, especially as several of the wrestlers on it, never held a single WWF/E title.
quote:. . .The fact that he did all of this in such a short time is remarkable, and I think would get Flair on this list even if he wasn’t currently with the company. . .
I would hope so, but given their general penchant or ignoring pre-WWF history, and yes that even includes Flair's history (with the exception of the dvd.) it's debatable that they would. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on this one, as they did include a lot of old timers here, including Sammartino (significant for reasons I previously listed.)
quote: So Flair’s two world title wins mean a helluva lot more than the wins of guys like Sid and Big Show(the only multi-time champions not on the list).
ed leslie(aka the barber, aka the deciple, aka ect,ect ect, or, lets just call him the man of a million gimmicks who probably never drew a dime in his entire wrestling carrer)needs to be on there? norman smiley would be more worthy, at least up till they started making him scream like a prison bitch