Problem is I'd wanna take off all the old guys as I have no frame of reference for them as I've never seen them.
Same as the 80s guys & early 90s,I was into WCW then not WWF,so my view point would be more biased to WCW guys who came over or worked in WWF at some point!
There are plenty of guys like RVD,The New Age Outlaws,Legion Of Doom,Booker,JJ,Owen,Benoit,The Dudleys & Rey Rey who should all be on there if popularity was the key judging point,I think its more of a case of what the stars actually bring to the table is more important.
Stuff like the Undertaker & his dead man gimmick was huge,Hogan bringing wrestling into the superstar league,Y2J being the first undisputed champion,Stone Cold for carrying the show during the Raw/Nitro wars,Angle for his amazing sucess rate in his first year or HBK for really pushing the high flyer thing to the fore!
I dont see that Brock has earned a place on that list yet although obviously the whole "youngest ever champion" thing does make for something unique!