quote:Posted by Krissie Gar: . . .so what’s your point?
I thought it rather obvious that my point was being a champion was obviously not the sole reason for making the list, especially as several of the wrestlers on it, never held a single WWF/E title.
quote:. . .The fact that he did all of this in such a short time is remarkable, and I think would get Flair on this list even if he wasn’t currently with the company. . .
I would hope so, but given their general penchant or ignoring pre-WWF history, and yes that even includes Flair's history (with the exception of the dvd.) it's debatable that they would. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on this one, as they did include a lot of old timers here, including Sammartino (significant for reasons I previously listed.)
quote: So Flair’s two world title wins mean a helluva lot more than the wins of guys like Sid and Big Show(the only multi-time champions not on the list).