Originally posted by thedoctor:
Originally posted by Doc.Mid-Nite:
Where's .... Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake....?

You can't be serious. This guy would never of even had a career if it was for Hogan. Hogan would always push whoever he was working for to hire Brutus. HH even left many promotions when they wouldn't use him. Brutus's biggest contribution to wrestling was powdering Hogan's balls before each match.
You're kidding right? Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine were one of the greatest tag teams ever. Don't you remember when Jimmy Hart ditched the Hart Foundation to manage Beefcake and Valentine? That was one of the best tag team feuds ever! And don't you remember when Brutus Beefcake turned good and shaved Dino Bravo's head to become "The Barber"? That was one of the first "humiliation" matches I ever saw. Don't you remember his feuds with Valentine, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Mr.Perfect, and Ravishing Rick Rude?

BTW, was wrestling good back then or what? [cool]